Several broadcasting networks, including Fox Broadcasting, NBC and Nickelodeon, have announced green-themed TV program scheduling in honor of Earth Day, April 22.
Fox Broadcasting plans to launch specially themed TV shows, on-air graphics and instructional segments about being more green, kicking off on April 19 through to April 22. Called “Green It. Mean It”, Fox is committed to reducing the network’s impact on the world’s climate and becoming carbon neutral by 2010.
NBC celebrates Earth Week April 19-26, starting with the “Miss USA” show and will air more than 150 hours of green-themed programming across NBCU’s 40 on-air and digital brands, including a four-part MSNBC series called Future Earth. Lauren Zalaznick, president of NBCU women and lifestyle entertainment networks, told Media Daily News that NBC Universal has saved $2 million last year by going green.
On Earth Day, Nickelodeon will have environmentally-themed episodes of hit shows including The Wonder Pets, Olivia, Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!, iCarly, and Yo Gabba Gabba! Nickelodeon will air vignettes of real kids taking action to improve the environment, and Nickelodeon, NOGGIN, and The N will all power down for 60 seconds at 9:00 p.m. In addition, Nickelodeon will unveil The Big Green Help - a grants program to support schools and local organizations with sustainability projects. Applications will be accepted online from April 22 to Dec. 31, 2009.
Going green seems to be a buzz word these days but earth day is even more, at least right around this time of year. I am happy to see that 'green' is in and taking off. I would like to share a good website for those new greenies that want to learn about green technologies and trends. It is the green forum, www.greenforum.com
Getting there won't be easy if we have to "conserve", not to say it is bad (because I live in a small house already), but that I should not have to limited! I take opposition to being forced to conserve (even though all those with big houses and that leave the lights on "all the time" should have to). How do "we" draw these kinds of lines?
The easiest way is to either cover the desert with ten thousand square miles of mirrors that reflect light into heat reservoirs (for almost 24/7 steam generation) OR by developing nuclear thorium (not uranium) fission which produces only about 1% of the "wastes" by volume and which "decay" back into non lethal wastes by a factor of about 1,000 times faster, (thus if containment eroded in 300 years, it would be less radioactive than that of natural uranium!).
The solar thermal (CSP) option would be more expensive BUT would create more jobs and would not require bulldozing of the deserts as mirrors could be simply post erected.
The nuclear thorium (LFTR) option would be vastly easier to implement but needs (re)development as it was not a good option for both power AND the production of (then necessary) nuclear weapons.
One or both of these options are THE ONLY WAY to solve global warming as you won't get me to become a conservative activist (I want my kids to have at leasst as much energy as me)
Don't kill a watt, MEGAWATT!
Without energy, there is no freedom!
How is FOX to become carbon neutral? Perhaps they can buy "green cards"! Offsetting is good though, to a certain point, however, if everybody did this, there would not be enough clean energy capacity (and we would all be put in the dark). Thus the reason why we have to MEGAWATT! (Clean ones, that is).
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