Monday, April 13, 2009

Smart Power gets smart by going green!

Over the years, Smart Power has used a traditional Madison Avenue agency approach for their traditional radio and TV campaigns to raise awareness of clean power. They hired college students to go door to door explaining the process and worked with nonprofits to encourage their members to sign up. After leading regional campaigns in Connecticut and Pennsylvania, partly funded with government money, Smart Power was able to drive up buy rates for clean energy.

Now they are going green with viral marketing on Internet. Brian Keane, who leads the nonprofit, wants to make wind and solar and hydropower and geothermal energy really cool, and get more people to buy them and he’s found that it is a much greener, cheaper and quicker way to reach people. Obama Girl, as she’s known, agreed to produce a “Save Energy” commercial for a carbon footprint reduction contest for about $5,000, (compare to $100,000 a year retainer with the Madison Avenue agency) and within just a few days it had attracted more than 100,000 viewers on YouTube.
"It’s magic,” Keane says. “It spreads like fire."

In addition, there are pages on Facebook and MySpace promoting the contest, as well as a Twitter feed. Save green by going green!


hdmike said...

My new favorite video. Old favorite video was her Obama video. I am already trying to save energy, and would love to save some energy for her. said...


hdmike said...

OK, I shouldn't be trying to save energy or what?