Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The Arts Factory in Las Vegas Goes Green for First Friday!
The G3reen Outlet is designed as an eco gallery, store and resource center focused on green living solutions. Among the displays, Pulte DelWebb Homes will feature their new community, Villa Trieste, the first LEED certified and Solar Community in Nevada. Other participating partners include Liquid Stucco, Everything Electric, and a variety of artists, designers, and green product suppliers. The event is free to attend.
See more details and RSVP on Project ecoBrand.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
What do you predict for 2009?

2) Coal defined the 19th century, and oil the 20th. What will be the defining energy source of the 21st century?
3) Gas prices reached heights not seen in a generation in 2008, but ended up cheaper than at any time in years ... What do you expect in 2009?
4) Al Gore might have started the "new green revolution" in 2007, and 2008 was all about the little things the masses could do to help. Who will be the big green change makers in 2009?
5) Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt were the eco-celebrities everyone was talking about in 2007 and 2008. Who do you predict to be THE eco-celebrity of 2009?
6) What other green trends do you expect we’ll be buzzing about in 2009?
Respond at and see what others are predicting.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Is there such a thing as clean coal?
The concept of "clean coal" is somewhat ambigious. It seems that the clean coal the industry is referring to is made from technology called carbon sequestration, which is 10-15 years from being built for American plants. "Clean coal" supporters say the fact that carbon sequestering technology is not market-ready nationally is not in dispute, and that the environmentalists have put words in their mouths. Other techniques for reducing carbon emissions include chemically washing coal or capturing and storing emissions - both of which create other environmental problems.
"The industry is stepping up to help with carbon reduction, that includes educating the public about why investing in new technologies is very important," said Joe Lucas, senior vice president for the American Coalition for Clean Coal Energy, a group of 48 coal companies and power plants.
But others cry foul. "The hypocrisy comes in when you look at what they're actually doing," said Dan Weiss who co-authored the study on how much the coal industry has spent advertising. Mr. Weiss estimates that for every $17 members of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Energy earned in profits in 2007, they spent $1 on researching carbon reduction technologies. "They spend very little in research and spend a lot of money in trying to convince people not to make them do anything."
Former Vice President Al Gore launched a counter-attack earlier this month, buying advertising disputing industry claims that "clean" coal exists. In addition, the Reality Coalition launched a second television ad Monday, featuring a parody of a coal executive smelling a lump of "clean coal," which leaves a black smudge on his nose.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A few of my favorite things...

How about a shoulder bag made from soda bottles?

The whole thing is almost entirely made from recycled materials, including recycled webbing, mesh and buckles.
Room for your own water bottle, optional waist belt and lots of pockets and compartments make this the perfect eco-trekker!
Available at REI and on sale right now at their online store.
$200 Million in DOE grants for biofuel

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
"...and in the far corner..."

Calling upon the National Advertising Division (NAD) of the Council of Better Businees Bureaus to referree, the NAD ruled that there was a lack of scientific evidence that the bags break down quickly or completely when thrown away in landfills or that they are compatible with typical recycling streams. NAD was also concerned that consumers are not aware of what oxo-biodegradable means, writing in an announcement that "NAD observed there was no evidence in the record that consumers understood 'oxo-biodegradable' to have different meaning, or a different impact on the environment, than products that are 'biodegradable.'"
Oxo-biodegradation is the process of a plastic breaking down when exposed to heat and oxygen, eventually leaving carbon dioxide, water and biomass when further broken down by natural microorganisms. An additive is infused in plastics to make them oxo-biodegradable, and in an interview earlier this year, GP Plastics' CFO Mike Skinner said that the bags could degrade in two or three years in landfills, depending on conditions.
Challenging the decision, GP Plastics plans to appeal. Stay tuned for Round Two!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
It pays to go green! How about $1.4 million?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Going Green in a recession

Here are four of Andrew's going green strategies in an uncertain economy:
1. Cut waste - Waste reductions can free up cash while generating environmental benefits. Wal-Mart is calling on suppliers to reduce packaging by 5 percent in the next five years and estimates that this could save $3 billion in transportation costs through 2013. Wal-Mart suppliers are also expected to save $8 billion from reduced material and transportation costs. Verizon recently moved more than 3 million customers to paperless billing and saved $8 million in paper and administrative costs. It also saved another $2.7 million by moving its payroll, training, and HR systems online.
2. Invest in efficiency - The McKinsey Global Institute recently published a report that says economic uncertainty can drive more investment in energy efficiency because efficiency costs less than meeting demand through new supplies.
3. Design highly efficient products and processes - More efficient systems require less money than traditional systems, and that’s always a good thing during a financial crisis.
4. Spend time rather than money - During a downturn, companies may have more time to plan and think ideas through, as well as including participants all along the value chain. This way, companies can avoid difficulties and do-overs that cause costs to escalate.
Monday, November 24, 2008
London Releases Sustainable Development Strategy for 2012 Olympics

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Volkswagon wins Green Car of the Year

Saturday, November 15, 2008
$75,000 Prize Offered for Carbon-Busting Innovations

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Is NASCAR going green?

Monday, November 10, 2008
Doug Pelmear's 100mpge Mustang!

Pelmear and Rocket Ventures created this vehicle to enter into the Progressive Automotive X PRIZE competition, with prizes of ten million dollars awarded to teams that win in production-capable vehicles that exceed 100 MPGe. The competition is designed to inspire a new generation of viable, super fuel-efficient vehicles that offer more consumer choices. Pelmear's Mustang has a HP2g™ engine that runs on E85, which is a green, alcohol-based fuel, significantly reducing green house gas emissions.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Solar may be coming your way!

The company says plants using this method will be able to generate as much as 500 megawatts of peak power or run continuously at 50 megawatts. One megawatt is enough power to supply about 1,000 U.S. households.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Spending lots of green on green ads equals more green
Around 44% of people said they would definitely consider buying products or services from one retailer after reading its favorably green corporate stance. A favorable news story about that in the media pushed up the number of people who would consider buying products by 6 percentage points.
When presented with a clear choice, consumers tend to be more motivated by practical solutions that enable them to cut their individual carbon footprints (such as renewable energy, energy efficient light bulbs, “green” bank accounts, fuel efficient cars, appliances with automatic switch-off) over corporate statements and labels such as “carbon-neutral.”
Two-thirds of U.S. consumers (65 per cent) were unable to name a brand leading on the climate change issue, confirming that there is significant opportunity for brand leadership and connection with consumers on climate change. In addition, the research showed people look to mainstream brands–not niche green specialists–for climate solutions.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Contessa manufactures green cuisine

"Until now, the USGBC has never LEED-certified a frozen-food manufacturing facility," said John Z. Blazevich, president and chief executive of Contessa. "As a leader in our industry, we didn't wait for environmental standards to be established. Instead, we collaborated with LEED and decided to raise the bar for the entire industry and to do the right thing for the long-term sustainability of our environment."
Company officials say they use advanced design and technology to reduce Contessa's environmental impact, such as a water preheating system that saves energy by redirecting the heat used in refrigeration coils to the plant's boilers. In addition, a variable frequency drive adjusts the amount of power supplied to motors at specific times or under specific conditions to minimize energy use and an innovative loading dock prevents the loss of refrigerated air, reducing temperature fluctuation and energy use.
The new $35 million plant is expected to produce up to 150 million pounds of food products per year and at the same time reduce its energy use and emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by 65 percent, according a company statement.
In addition to energy savings, Contessa is committed to 'going green' by incorporating recycling in their operations and procedures, using aquaculture and probiotics in their shrimp procurement and contributing to the awareness of turtle-safe fishing practices.
"I am thrilled to be celebrating the commitment of these companies to reducing their carbon footprints,” said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. "They are examples that going green is not only good for the environment but also for business.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Fuel efficient hot rod!

Afterward, the Mustang will be entered into the Automotive X-competition in 2009, a race where inventors from around the world compete for the best mileage and the most marketable technology.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Earning an estimated $10,000 to $15,000 on every SUV it sold, GM lived off and even accelerated development of trucks and SUV's to offset shrinking passenger car revenues. But this year, sales have tumbled more than 30 percent this year and have been in decline since 2004.
All of the Big Three have had to close plants and lay off thousands of workers. "In the second quarter alone, G.M. took $1.3 billion in write-offs to reflect the drop in the value of trucks and S.U.V.’s coming off lease. Overdependence on big S.U.V.’s has also hit Ford and Chrysler hard, but, as the biggest producer, G.M. had the most to lose," according to the New York Times.
"Analysts see little point now in second-guessing G.M.’s huge commitment to the S.U.V. market when gas was cheap and Americans bought the vehicles in droves. ...Yet by focusing so heavily on bigger products for so many years, G.M. put off investing in cars that consumers want now. The company is also struggling to dismantle the truck-making infrastructure it had so diligently erected."
G.M. still expects to sell some SUV's, but not nearly as many. Instead, they will make an effort to catch up in the small-car and hybrid arenas.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Hotel Goes Green With 100% Wind Energy
"We are proud of our commitment to both traditional hospitality and contemporary environmental responsibility," says Eric Siegel, ExecutiveVice President of Cohen Companies, the owner group of The Legacy Hotel & Meeting Centre. "We are introducing our 100% recycling policy and hope that our guests will join our efforts to greening their stay."
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Save money with this cool new rain barrel

According to a manufacturers spokesperson, Walat Yasin, "...[some] rain barrels are ugly. The concept behind this new product has been to develop a rain barrel that homeowners could proudly display, like a piece of furniture.”
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
California Company Installs Largest Corporate Solar Power System
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger dedicated a 2 megawatt solar power system at Applied Materials’ campus in Sunnyvale, California earlier this month.

The parking lot-mounted system tracks the sun to increase the efficiency of the panels while also serving as shade for several hundred employee cars, and is "a great hedge against future energy cost increases,” said Mike Splinter, president and CEO of Applied Materials.
In addition, the company recently announced that it would purchase 8,220,000 kilowatt-hours of renewable energy annually from wind and solar generation sources in California.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Green Diesel?!

“With higher fuel costs and growing concerns with the global carbon footprint, Peterbilt is at the forefront in the development of green technologies that help the environment by providing greater fuel savings and reducing emissions,” says Bill Jackson, Peterbilt General Manager and PACCAR Vice President.By reducing overall fuel use from 30% - 60%, the new technology is the perfect way for companies to reduce their carbon footprint without significant and potentially costly new procedures. In fact, the hybrid will save money in fuel costs immediately!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Solar Halloween Lights!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
SEMA's going green!
This year there will be a "Making Green Cool Zone" featuring creativity and innovation in the development, deployment and marketing of the green vehicle technologies! Green can also be cool! To be green in SEMA's zone, the company has to be aligned with one or more of the following categories:
o High-Performance and Green Mobility
o Current Powertrain Solutions
o Future Powertrain Solutions
o Vehicle Energy Management
o Mobile Electronics for Green Mobility
o Green Wheels Tires and Suspensions
o Fast Tracking 35 MPG
o Making Green Cool
o Marketing Green Solutions
Glad to see the automotive industry going green!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Go fly a kite!

The kite will cost pay for itself after about three years.
Use of the computer-controlled kite to assist the ship's diesel engines is expected to save 20-30% on fuel costs (or $1600 per day) over the course of the month-long transport.
"The shipping industry emits 800 million tonnes of CO2 now and that will rise to over 1 billion tonnes in five years," says Niels Stolberg, a SkySails company rep.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Porsche and Corvette win ALMS Green Challenge

Friday, October 3, 2008
Green Racing?!

"We want to be the leading and most recognized sports and entertainment property for relevant environment concerns, ideas and practices," said Atherton.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Avoid being greenwashed!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Going Green Magazine Launches!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What is your carbon footprint?
- What - Carbon footprint is a measure of the greenhouse gases we individually produce in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc.
- Why care - Two reasons: 1) Fossil fuels are limited - they are being used faster than they are formed (formation takes millions of years!), so they are referred to as non-renewable. 2) The rate we are burning fossil fuels is twice the rate that natural processes can only absorb, resulting in a net increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases that contributes to global warming. (Why care about global warming, you ask? That's another discussion....)
Easy to navigate. Definite cool factor.
Easy, big buttons.
Clumsy, but good tips.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Squeaky Green!
Here a sample from an article they contributed to for The Nest magazine:
- Today: Unplug any electronics that you're not using. Leaving them plugged in - yes, even if they are turned off - wastes lots of energy and ups your monthly bill as well.
- This month: Buy a vacuum that sucks...dust particles, that is. It needs a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to collect and trap dust.
- This year: If you're painting, shop around for no-VOC and low-VOC formulas. Most paints have VOC's, such as formaldehyde.
To get the book, I'd recommend going to because it comes as a set with a tote bag.
And check out their YouTube video about the book: Supercar

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
2 Million Jobs in 2 Years, if Congress Opts for Green Stimulus
Congress can spend less money than it did on the last economic stimulus package, create more jobs and help stave off catastrophe via climate change. That's the gist of an authoritative new report from U-Mass Amherst and the Center for American Progress.
Green Recovery outlines how to spend $100 billion over two years to create nearly 2 million new jobs. Invest the same money in the oil industry, and you get just 542,00 jobs (and a commitment to more fossil fuel pollution). Invest the same money in tax rebates and you get 1.7 million jobs (and a whole lot more consumption).
The report recommends investing in four priority infrastructure projects:
- Retrofitting Buildings
- Mass Transit and Freight Rail
- Smart Grids
- Renewable Energy
Enough jobs, its authors say, to drive down unemployment from the five-year high of 6.1% to 4.4%!
Read more at:
Green Cash for Going Green!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Biodiesel Mustang racecar!

Weighing in at just 1,170kg its 260bhp four-cylinder biodiesel engine is enough to give a top speed of around 150mph too. Even the body work is eco friendly, being made of a pioneering bio-composite made up of natural fibres soaked in what are called 'bio-plastics' to create a strong, light and totally recyclable bodywork.
Businesses must now focus on environmental issues
“From a business point of view, a focus on the environment is no longer optional. Virtually every company and every industry face environmental issues that are business imperatives.”
- Daniel C. Esty, co-author with Andrew S. Winston of Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The EDF launches consumer green website
Full story -
Friday, September 12, 2008
Leilani's race to save the planet!
Wikia Green!
Wikia announced the launch of a new eco-focused wiki featuring everything in the environmental and sustainable universe. Founder Jimmy Wales believes sustainable living will soon be seen as something that is integrated into everything in mainstream society, as opposed to merely a separate category. READ MORE